Iberoamérica Diseña

Forum Venues
Casa de América,
Instituto Cervantes.
Madrid, Spain.

Participation Cost

Deadline for Summary Submission
August 16, 2024
New deadline September 1st (included)

Notification of Summary Acceptance/Rejection
September 17th, 2024 (included)

Deadline for Article / Project Submission
October 20, 2024 (included)

Deadline for Author Participation Confirmation
October 20, 2024 (included)

Summary Submission

If you are interested in sharing your experiences and projects in the field of Research/Design, either in person or virtually, you are invited to submit your abstract proposal to the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Research / Design.

  • Summaries must be submitted online only.
  • Each author can contribute a maximum of two proposals.
  • Proposals can be submitted preferably in Spanish or Portuguese.
  • The Forum organizers will provide a list of topics for summary submission. However, new topics are welcome, and you will have the option to add the scope of your proposal.
On the platform, you will be able to indicate:
  • Title of the abstract (maximum 250 characters, including spaces)
  • Body of the abstract (2000 to 3500 characters, including spaces)
  • Keywords (up to five, separated by commas) e.g., Design, education, territory
  • Type of presentation (In-person or Virtual)

Authors must indicate whether their preferred presentation format is oral or virtual. The Forum’s Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final decision on assignment and presentation method.

Each author will receive confirmation of receipt of the abstract once the submission process is completed, through the platform.

If you encounter any issues during the submission process or do not receive a confirmation email, please contact foro@iberoamericadisena.com

Article Submission

If your summary is accepted, you will need to submit the article in Spanish or Portuguese. It should include:

*The Forum organizers will communicate directly with the corresponding author (the author managing the submission of the article).
Citations and references should follow APA (American Psychological Association) style and be included at the end of the article, listed alphabetically.

  1. Names, titles, affiliations, and email addresses of the authors.
  2. Title of the article (maximum 250 characters, including spaces).
  3. Summary (maximum 250 words).
  4. Keywords (up to five, separated by commas).
  5. The article must be original and unpublished, with a length of 4,000 to 6,000 words (excluding title, abstract, keywords, acknowledgments, and references).
  6. Figures should include photographs, sketches, renderings, drawings, and similar items in JPG format with a resolution of 300 dpi. They should be labeled as “Figure,” numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and referred to explicitly in the text (e.g., Figure 7, Figure 8). A maximum of five figures can be included.
  7. Tables should be labeled as “Table” and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals.


In Open Access (OA) mode, available on the Iberoamérica Diseña website, the publication of the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Research/Design will be edited with the articles selected by the Scientific Committee. The publication will feature an ISBN registration, an Editorial Committee, and International Peer Review.

Types of Presentations at the Forum

In-person, for authors who will attend the Forum.
Virtual, for authors who will not attend. They can present online or submit a recording.

The preferred languages for the Forum are Spanish and Portuguese. Each presentation is allocated a maximum of 15 minutes. We recommend using 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for discussion or questions.


  • Collaborative Design
  • Circular Design
  • Life-Centered Design
  • Digital and Multimedia Design
  • Graphic Design and Visual Communication
  • Industrial and Product Design
  • Materials Design and Manufacturing Technologies
  • Sustainable and Healthy Interior Design
  • Apparel Design
  • Design and Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Generative Design
  • History and Theory of Design
  • Design Management
  • Design Methodologies and Processes
  • Design and Education
  • Ethics and Responsibility in Design
  • Research Methods and Techniques in Design
  • Design for Health
  • Social Design, Territorial Development, and Cultural Diversity
  • Service Design
  • Design and Economy
  • Design and Emotions
  • Sound Design
  • Game and Entertainment Design
  • Customer Experience Design
  • Design for Inclusion
  • Design for Aging
  • Design and Legislation
  • Food Design
  • Entrepreneurship and Business in Design
  • Design and Mobility
  • Disruptive Innovation and the Future of Design
  • New Research / Design