Open Call for Submissions to the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Research/Design
November 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th
Madrid Casa de América and Instituto Cervantes
Summary Submission
Call is closed
If you are interested in sharing your experiences and projects in the field of Research/Design, you are invited to submit your abstract to the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Research/Design. Each author can submit a maximum of two proposals.
Summaries should be submitted preferably in Spanish or Portuguese. Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the Forum’s Scientific Committee. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will receive a notification requesting the submission of the full article (maximum length of 6,000 words).
In Open Access (OA) mode, available on the Iberoamérica Diseña website, the publication of the 2nd Ibero-American Forum on Research/Design will feature the articles selected by the Scientific Committee. It will include ISBN registration, an Editorial Committee, and International Peer Review.
Formulario de Inscripción 2º Foro / Formulário de Inscrição 2º Forum